Comedy returns to Congleton on Wednesday 21 December 2022. Brought to you by Comedy In A Van, the show features Stephen Bailey, Peter Brush and Michael Legge. Cheshire's funiest night of live stand up comedy takes place in the opulent surroundings of Radley & Co, beneth the Lion and Swan, Congleton.

Comedy @ Lion & Swan, Congleton

Comedy @ Lion & Swan, Congleton

Stephen Bailey, Peter Brush, Seeta Wrightson and MC Michael Legge all at Radley & Co, beneath The Lion & Swan, Congleton. Please scroll down for comedians’ details.

Acts subject to change. Proper sweary, swearing. swearing. Fully seated. 18+ We want all our guests to have a great night so please respect those around you by turning off your phone and not talking whilst the show is in progress. Sorry, but we can only refund or reallocate if the show is cancelled. Thanks

Your headline act for the evening is Stephen Bailey, (Live at the Apollo, Celebrity Mastermind, Takeshi’s Castle etc). A proud Northern, working class, gay man. Best known as a TV presenter it’s the arena of live, stand up comedy where Stephen really shines. Gossipy, bitchy, close to the bone even, but with such an infectious sense of fun everyone gets the joke and no one is left behind.

“Natural talent” Metro “Rising star” The Sun

Audiences can be forgiven for underestimating Peter Brush when he takes to the stage. If ballsy bravado is your thing then Brush certainly isn’t your man. Peter unassumingly takes the stage, his slight frame, spectacles and scruffy hair adding nothing to the illusion that we’re in for some first class entertainment.

Leeds based Peter Brush is a quirky and unique performer and the antithesis to loud, brash comedians. A gifted writer he supported comedy godfather Alexei Sayle on his 2020 tour.

”Compellingly hilarious.. …achingly funny” ★★★★★ Chortle

Bradfordian Seeta Wrightson graces the middle spot and your compere is Belfast’s Michael Legge (“Without doubt one of the best comperes and improvisers on the circuit.” Time Out)

The comedians you see at Comedy @ The Lion & Swan, Congleton are booked by Comedy In A Van

Comedy returns to Congleton on Wednesday 21 December 2022. Brought to you by Comedy In A Van, the show features Stephen Bailey, Peter Brush and Michael Legge. Cheshire's funiest night of live stand up comedy takes place in the opulent surroundings of Radley & Co, beneth the Lion and Swan, Congleton.