Comedy returns to The Rabbit Hole, Ramsbottom on Sunday 10 September with Mick Ferry, Jenny Hart and Rob Riley (C) Comedy In A Van

Comedy @ The Rabbit Hole, Ramsbottom

Comedy @ The Rabbit Hole, Ramsbottom

Mick Ferry, Jenny Hart, Adam Beardsmore and MC Rob Riley all at Ramsbottom’s brand new venue! Please scroll down for comedians’ details.

Acts subject to change. Fully seated. 18+ Proper sweary swearing. We want all our guests to have a great night so please respect those around you by turning off your phone and not talking whilst the show is in progress. We can only refund or reallocate if the show is cancelled. Thanks!

Few are funnier than Comedy Store and Frog & Bucket veteran Mick Ferry! Whether he’s running with a scatterbrained idea, an audience suggestion or dipping into his extensive mental files of absolute, top drawer gags and routines, the end result is a barrage of laughter from a very happy audience and that is what we are all about.

“See him or regret it” John Bishop ★★★★★ Mirror “Absolute legend” Jason Manford

Jenny Hart is currently making a name for herself up and down the country so, why not get her in for look, thought we? “Lively musical comedy that can be joyously wrong and infinitely dirty, lusciously dark and often quite flirty” is what’s in store apparently!

“She’s a bold, brash, shameless presence… …a powerhouse surely poised to storm the circuit.”  Chortle

Your show comes complete with MC Rob Riley and Adam Beardsmore

Comedy @ The Rabbit Hole, Ramsbottom is booked by Comedy In A VanComedy returns to The Rabbit Hole, Ramsbottom on Sunday 10 September with Mick Ferry, Jenny Hart and Rob Riley (C) Comedy In A Van