Glossop Comedy Club
Glossop Comedy Club
Vince Atta, Ricky Balshaw, Charlie Lewis, MC Liam Pickford at the Crystal Ballroom, Glossop. Scroll down for comedians’ details.
Acts subject to change. Fully seated. 18+ Proper sweary, swearing. We want everyone to have a great night so please pop your phone on silent and don’t chat whilst the show is in progress. Thanks! Sorry, but we can only reallocate or refund if the show is cancelled.
A quick-witted, slow walking, fast rising star, Ricky Balshaw is without question, the funniest Paralympic Dressage medallist in the UK, perhaps the world. Stepping over his cerebral palsy like it’s the mildest of inconveniences, Ricky pulls his audience into a joyfully dark world of self-depreciating hilarity. No sympathy vote is needed (or accepted) as Ricky dominates comedy stages up and down the UK. A brilliant joke-smith and storyteller, this young man has comedy greatness in his bones.
Vince Atta has the industry ignited! Using a multi-track looper, Vince creates live on-the-spot Hip-Hop/Reggae/Techno/anything – hilariously fusing it with natural stand-up, storytelling and audience interaction – creating the most infectious songs you’re ever likely to hear. European performances include Barcelona, Zagreb, Warsaw, Budapest, Belgrade, Rijeka, Ljubljana, Maribor, Porec, Pazin and Varazdin. Admired by audiences and peers alike; this unique, talented and incredibly funny act has to be seen to be believed!
“An unstoppable force! Like an intravenous shot of adrenaline!” Chortle
MC Liam Pickford, who once took a show to the Edinburgh Fringe entitled ‘Your Love Is Like A Knackered Bus Stop I Can No Longer Be Arsed To Vandalise’ Need we say more?
“Funny bones, and a scattergun mind that doesn’t quite work like anybody else’s.” Chortle
The comedians you see at Glossop Comedy Club are booked by Comedy In A Van

Vince Atta, Ricky Balshaw and Liam Pickford at Glossop Comedy Club! Sunday 25 August 2024 (C) Comedy In A Van