Octagon Comedy Club, Bolton
Octagon Comedy Club, Bolton
Tom Houghton and Alun Cochrane preview their brand new shows in Bolton! Please scroll down for comedians’ details.
Acts subject to change. Proper swearing. 18+ Fully seated. We want everyone to have a great night so pop your mobile on silent and please don’t talk when the show is on. Sorry, but we can only refund or reallocate in event of the show being cancelled. Thanks!
Tom Houghton – Work In Progress Fresh off the back of this extended, sold out UK tour , the star of Netflix “The Circle” and multi viral social media sensation is warming up as he prepares to go international, with tours across Europe and the USA. But how does the world really see us Brits? Do we still stand up to the old stereotypes? And with a future looking so unsure, what is it that we should really be looking for in a leader?
★★★★★ Sunday Express ★★★★★ New European ★★★★ Daily Mail ★★★★ Telegraph
Alun Cochrane Work In Progress One of Britain’s funniest and most original comics, Alun has appeared on everything from Have I Got News For You to 8 Out Of 10 Cats to Frank Skinner’s Radio show. A regular at all the big comedy clubs and festivals, Alun is currently touring with his new show ‘Stuff And Nonsense‘
“Big belly laughs” The Guardian “Master storyteller” Metro
Octagon Comedy Club, Bolton is booked by Comedy In A Van