Saddleworth comedy

Saturday 14 August – Wacky Woody’s World Of Magic

Saturday 14 August – Wacky Woody’s World Of Magic

Join Wacky Woody on a mission for The Magic Circle to get a trick from every continent on the planet – and learn a bit about each place as you go!
See scary spiders from Australia, Chilli the Penguin from Antartica, rope tricks from India and Robbie the magic mutt – Wacky Woody’s faithful friend!
Fast paced, packed with tricks and genuine humour primarily aimed at the 4-8 age group but plenty there for the parents too.
Show starts 3pm £9 or £28 for a family ticket that admits four Click here now to book Wacky Woody
Off The Rails Comedy Club is programmed, promoted and produced by Comedy In A Van
Fully seated. Sorry, but no unaccompanied kids please!