Off The Rails Comedy Club, Saddleworth

Off The Rails Comedy Club, Saddleworth

Rob Rouse, Raul Kohli, Howard Anstock, MC Rob Riley all at Off The Rails Comedy Club, Saddleworth Scroll down for details on comedians.  Acts subject to change. Fully seated. 18+ Proper swearing. We want all our guests to have a great night so please respect those...
Shaparak Khorsandi: IT WAS THE 90s! – Bolton

Shaparak Khorsandi: IT WAS THE 90s! – Bolton

Impatient Productions present Shaparak (‘Shappi’) Khorsandi making her Octagon Theatre Bolton debut with her UK tour show It Was The 90’s!  Scroll down for details . Proper sweary, swearing. 14+ Fully seated. We want everyone to have a great night so...