by Rob Riley | Aug 20, 2022
Paul Pirie (“Hilarious” The Scotsman), This Morning’s Troy Hawke (‘Near perfect’ New Current), Liverpool’s Sam Serrano and MC Rob Riley return for our second show at The Shawside (or Tara Leisure if you’re old, or Norman Cruisers if...
by Rob Riley | Aug 19, 2022
Troy Hawke, Phil Nichol, Howard Anstock, MC Danny Mcloughlin. Scroll down for comedians’ details. Acts subject to change. 18+ Proper sweary swearing. Fully seated. We want everyone to have a great night so please pop your mobile on silent and don’t chat...
by Rob Riley | Apr 12, 2022
High class character comedy from Troy Hawke (‘Undeniably funny’ ★★★★ Chortle ‘Mad comic genius’ The Scotsman), the forthright and charming Simon Wozniak opens the proceedings, 2018 Chortle Student Stand Up Comedy Award winner Bexie Archer and MC Freddy Quinne First...
by Rob Riley | Mar 10, 2022
Mick Ferry (“See him or regret it” John Bishop) , the genius character comedy of YouTube sensation Troy Hawke, Canada’s Michelle Shaughnessy and MC Rob Riley SOLD OUT £15.00 from the Oak on 01785 859065 or Comedy Club...
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